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The talks in early July were not well attended, however some useful conversations were had, and good insights – thankyou!

People are generally very interested in the three main areas of need we’re looking at, as projects (Queer Homes; Community Development; Trans Matters). We wish to have wider discussions with ‘authentic voices’ – LGBTQ+ people most wanting, needing and most interested in progressing projects.


1. Queer homes

“We’re looking for 3-5 homes within walking / wheelchair distance in 3-5 areas of Leeds. We need to see representation of ourselves often, in everyday life”

This is already more than an idea or concept. We met with Kim Groves (Chair of Third Sector Leeds (TSL) Leadership Team) who took notes, advising that the project could or would require policy changes with the council, which she would look into.

We’ve also had meetings with Helen Hoyle of SEE Ahead, which included looking at the possibility of an advanced project – acquiring an initial property as a LGBTQ+ Centre that has accommodation also.

We recently attended a fantastic, creative Frameworks UK ‘framing’ webinar by Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) ‘Deepening collective imagination practice’ on ‘How to talk about private renting’ – supporting policies to improve renting. Loads of very interesting and relevant information and advice, including:

  • Talking about the importance of private renting and establishing it as an important part of redesigning our housing system. 
  • Honing explanation skills to build understanding about policies that would improve renting.
  • Using storytelling in ways that build connection and add scale to the context. 

*See JRF guide ‘How to Talk About Private Renting’ here

Excellent project work experience for LGBTQ+ people with a background in or studying eg social housing; policy; communications, or who otherwise have something to offer. Some paid work.

Information and discussion sessions on Wednesday 25 and Friday 27 September 5.30 – 7pm at 18 Brudenell Rd, Hyde Park LS6 1BD 

We encourage you to become a ‘pledger’ (see Pledge page) towards ‘safe space-making’.

Further meetings with Kim Groves and Helen Hoyle will follow, and we’ll update by mid-September.

2. Community Development:

“There’s a large and growing demographic of LGBTQ+ kids in Leeds aged 8 – 18 needing company, activities and interests outside what they’re getting. What would you have liked when you were aged 8 – 18? Training (some elements accredited); personal and professional growth and development sessions; paid sessional work; jobs. Aimed at 20 – 35 year-olds but not exclusive.”

Non-mainstream and Queer children and young people need Queer peers, ‘significant others’, society and community / communities to grow up with and in, that represent them and reflect who they are and the world they want to be a part of. 

If you have experience of being a non-mainstream and/or Queer child; have an interest, background, job, or are studying in community development, youth work, Queer youth, holistic health and wellbeing, project work, communications, for example; and can commit time …

We’re looking for a team of up to 10 people with diversity of experience to become our initial cohort of trainees. Time commitment for first 3-5 weeks: 4-5 hours.

∞ Training (some elements accredited)
∞ Personal and professional growth and development ∞Paid sessional work
∞ Jobs. Aimed at 20 – 35 year-olds but not exclusive.

Information and orientation sessions: Saturday 28 September 12.30 – 2 and 2.45 – 4.15pm at 18 Brudenell Rd, Hyde Park LS6 1BD.

We encourage you to become a ‘pledger’ (see Pledge page) towards ‘safe space-making’.

3. Trans Matters: 

Focus on a) dedicated Trans Centre b) Trans community development workers (as above)

Leeds trans people have the greatest need for their own centre. 

  • Age groups 18 – 35 years and over have no dedicated safe meeting places in Leeds. Quality time in exclusive company and affinity with ‘ones own’ is essential to holistic good health.
  • There are no integrated storage spaces, workshop areas, studios, kitchens and offices to attract and support authentic trans creativity and business.
  • There is a growing demographic of gender-queer and trans-identifying children and young people who need established, inspiring, well-run organisations as they grow up – for their holistic health and wellbeing.
  • UK governments have been stalling in publishing clear and comprehensive guidance on the use of single-sex and separate-sex exceptions under the Equality Act. 
  • Since LGBTQ+ knowledge, measures and rankings began, the UK led the world in LGBTQ+ rights but has been going downwards over a number of years. In the UK, there’s massive expenditure on resources (meetings, arranging, papers etc), consultations and reports from government down, with little or no evidence of improved lives for trans people.
  • This impasse [noun: a situation in which no progress is possible especially because of disagreement; a deadlock] has caused and is creating increasing negativity towards trans and other genderqueer people – including across the LGBTQ+ spectrum.
  • Trans people experience wide variance and intensity of neurodiversity, anxiety, depression and other psychological conditions, now generally referred to as ‘mental health issues’. Many steps of the mental health diagnosis and treatment process worsen symptoms and behaviours. With appropriate environments, individuals can self-heal.
  • The Women and Girls Alliance Leeds is an alliance on 12 organisations that provide support and services for women and girls in Leeds.
  • Following early stages of consultancy, progress with their plan for a Women and Girls Centre stalled at Development Group stage. 
  • Some women and girls – particularly from diverse ethnic cultures said [sic] a joint cis/trans centre would effectively exclude them on religious / historical / heritage grounds. 
  • Some other women said [sic] they wouldn’t support or use the centre if trans-inclusive. 
  • Others said [sic] trans women aren’t girls or women and they’d fight to have them excluded. 
  • One woman said [sic] trans woman are women; that exclusion would contravene the Equality Act and she’d fight for it. 
  • Some trans people were met and consulted with and said [sic] they would be unlikely to use the centre.
  • UK government/s have been stalling in publishing clear and comprehensive guidance on the use of single-sex and separate-sex exceptions under the Equality Act. 
  • Wider and other communities and community organisations in Leeds are unable to make decisions and progress themselves, due to this. 
  • This perpetuates stagnation, blame, ‘othering’ and sickness within our society generally. 
  • Mainstream society and individual’s issues around ‘difference’ and identity per se; and the effects of historic attitudes and behaviours against LGBTQ+ people is currently particularly disadvantaging for trans and genderqueer people. These are not ‘trans issues’.

Discussion / Question and Answer / development sessions – Zoom and live, to be advised soon. 

For ‘authentic voice’ trans people, interested queer friends with something to offer, academics, students and professionals.

We encourage you to become a ‘pledger’ (see Pledge page) towards ‘safe space-making’.

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