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Initial meeting, discussion, questions at 3 venues:

Wednesday 3 July, Wharf Chambers, 6 – 7.30

Thursday 4 July, Hyde Park Book Club, 6 – 7.30

Friday 5 July, Bridge Bar, 6 – 7.30

Queer housing scheme: We’re looking for 3-5 properties within walking / wheelchair distance in 3-5 areas of Leeds. *We need to see representations of ourselves often, in everyday life.

Further talks include queer housing cooperatives.

Community development: There’s a large and growing demographic of LGBTQ kids in Leeds, aged 8-18, needing company, activities and interests outside what they’re getting.

What would you have liked when you were 8-18?

Training (some elements accredited); personal and professional growth and development sessions; paid sessional work; jobs. Aimed at 20-35 year-olds but not exclusive.

Trans matters:

a) Focus on dedicated Trans Centre.

b) Large and growing demographic of transitioning and trans people in Leeds. Looking to develop trans community development workers, as above, to work with 8-18 year-olds.

Next meeting ‘Authentic Voices’, trans only, 2hrs, either Mon 8 / Tues 9 / Wed 10 / Thurs 11 July

But first: Last November, PinkNews contacted every UK party with political representatives at the national level. “We asked three questions”

  • Will you be marking Trans Day of Remembrance?
  • What is your stance on the current culture war surrounding transgender people?
  • What are your party’s policies with regards to a trans-inclusive conversion therapy ban, the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) and single-sex spaces?

The silence was deafening from the Conservatives and Labour.

  • LibDem spokesperson Christine Jardine gave the most rounded answer and in addressing anti-trans culture wards directly, noted: “…that the United Kingdom has long led the world in LGBTQ+ rights but in recent years this has “stalled”, with the UK continually dropping down international rankings – and “even” [going] backwards”.

In terms of single-sex spaces, she said: 

“… As the law makes clear, they should be inclusive of trans people wherever possible. However, there is a lack of clarity for individuals and service providers over how to make decisions that are often very difficult and sensitive. This benefits no one.

“That’s why Liberal Democrats are pushing the government to publish clear and comprehensive guidance on the use of any single-sex and separate-sex exceptions under the Equality Act.”

For full read see Which UK political parties replied to us about supporting trans rights (

Use your vote, don’t waste it, and give us a stick to wave locally, make your Queer vote LibDem.

“The personal is political” (Old feminism)

3 Other Topics:

and 2023-25 action plan EDI Vision Report Appendix 2 260123.pdf (